Tuesday 8 January 2013

Reject MPs who ban drinking

HOTELIERS are protesting that they could lose up to Sh1.5 billion because of the proposed Mututho ban on alcohol sales for two days before the election.

The existing Alcoholic Drinks Control Act is already unenforceable because it is far too strict. As a result, it is ignored in its entirety.

Naivasha MP John Mututho’s new amendments will tighten the law even further, virtually banning all media ads and outdoor signs for alcohol.

This is crazy. There is medical evidence that small amounts of alcohol are actually good for you, unlike tobacco. The ban on sales before the elections is ridiculous.

The post-election violence in 2007/8 had nothing to do with alcohol. It was the result of a disputed election result. There is no evidence of mass drunkenness on elections day in Kenya in the past, or any indication that drinking stopped people from voting.

Mututho has become an extremist who wants Kenya to have stricter alcohol laws than any non-Muslim country in the world.

The Alcoholic Drinks Amendment Bill is about to come before MPs for its third reading. The MPs should reject it, and if they don’t, their constituents should reject them on March 4.
-The Star

Reject MPs who ban drinking

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