Monday 7 January 2013

Why Nairobi was ranked 2nd WORST City to live…..HILARIOUS (KOT)

Why Nairobi was ranked 2nd WORST City to live…..HILARIOUS (KOT)

With a recent survey ranking  Nairobi as the second worst city to live in, Kenyans on twitter have had a field coming up with the possible reasons why Nairobi came second behind Tehran.

Below are few of the possible reasons…

1.       Because of pastors wanting shots from people called Mwende.

2.      Because a police office said "said the fikdims tied at the spot while receiving dreatmend hat te ozibido"

3.      The gap between Kiyapi's teeth is wider than the gap between the rich and the poor.

4.      Dark Forces

5.      We have more Fake Police officers than Real ones

6.      Because of xaxa xema and nayo lingo.

7.      coz of that guy on #TruthMeter who said, 'Nikama movie, nikama vindeo'

8.     langata na kibera ni ma neighbour...langata wanakula kuku....kibera kama kuku..."

9.      citizen banning dendai & gal a bubble is their song of the week.

10.  Every cop has a Kalenjin accent as soon as he's out of Kiganjo

11.   Waluhya kufikiria Jogoo road ni pahali pa kuuza kuku" @jamessmat even put up an avi of a jogoo

12.  because of waititu claiming to be DR.STOCKMANN 'man of the people'

13.  Because our Head of Police with, all decency, said "The bomb suspect was carrying electricity in a bag"

14.  because of thr likes of Sonko talking of Kunyamba in parliament continue the list…

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