6 Essential Career Lessons Learnt from Nancy Baraza Debacle

Baraza totally underestimated Kerubo’s underdog appeal and she never imagined Kerubo would be incorruptible turning down her peace offering. One year down the line and with the DCJ having resigned, I empathize with the Deputy CJ. She clearly had no prior experience with watchmen. She was probably never compelled to jot her details down in a tattered hard cover book at the entrance of a public building.
She probably never knew that lack of I.D card could deny one entry to most of the city’s offices. Nobody ever told her that in Nairobi when a security guard demands to inspect your boot at the entrance of a supermarket mall it is best not to argue. It does not matter whether you own the building. While you may imagine you have the power, the security guard wields authority.
Security guards are everywhere and are generally amicable, hard working Kenyans holding the short end of the stick accustomed to swallowing daily crap from the upper classes at their work stations. They endure long hours, hostile work conditions, low pay and often the first casualties in the line of fire. They are ridiculed, dismissed on a whim and play a largely thankless role in securing other people’s lives. All through their trials, they are expected to remain courteous and vigilant.
Therefore Kenyans know that when you find a security guard who is not smiling or responding to your jokes, it is best to fall back in line, submit to a body scan and sign the visitor’s book.
What career lessons can we learn from Nancy Baraza debacle last year.
1. Treat everyone you meet with utter respect. I doubt whether Nancy ever imagined that a mere guard could determine the direction of her career. That tea girl or Secretary you undermine can change the course of your life.
2. Not having a back-up plan is a bad thing- Things may not always go as planned. That’s why, it is always nice to have a plan B and a plan C. Instead of coming out apologetic, poor Nancy only had one plan and that was to stay put. She lost badly!!
3. You should know people are watching.
4. Money is not everything. Word out there is that Kerubo declined a K’sh 3.5 million offer to drop the case. Money is not everything even in our careers. Choosing a career or a job just because there is a lot of money in it is a recipe for disaster. With this strategy, you may make a lot of money, but you will remain stressed and unhappy.
5. We are not equal. In this country, men or politicians in general have done worse things and gotten scot free. We are not equal and you only need a nasty encounter or event to learn this. In your career or life your mostly alone. And lastly
6. Remember that being famous whether at home, office, church etc does not make you sacred. In fact, being famous means quite a number of people will dream, plot and plan for your downfall.
Watch your back in 2013. Happy 2013 and may your dreams come true.
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