This is a very hard question to answer for every other interviewer because each of them have different expectations in a candidate.
1. Self Confidence – Candidates must be sure of what they are doing, and to show this one must answer questions articulately while stating facts as they are. This will involve saying no to something you do not know. A candidate with low self confidence will run into situations where he won’t take risks or make “the tough calls” just because he is afraid of being wrong.
2. Common Sense – Many at times, candidates need to make decisions based on incomplete
pieces of information and the only way to succeed in this task is by having a
good level of intelligence and common sense. Every candidate does not
need to be a genius (it won’t hurt either), but the candidate needs to at least
display the ability to think and reach conclusions even when he doesn’t have
all the data in his hands by extrapolating and “tying loose ends” in order to
draw for himself a clearer and bigger picture.
3. Communication Skills – This is a must for most jobs. Good communication is the ability to
explain and communicate an idea to someone who is not in your immediate working
context. This is even more imperative of a candidate who needs to explain
non-trivial things like tests, and even potential risks related to the
technical tasks they can perform to people that will need to make important
decisions based on these explanations.
4. Knowledge (basic or
advanced) of his subject - If you
want to be a good candidate make sure to understand what an interview is about
(at least in theory!!!). Today there is no excuse for not having some
idea about the principles surrounding interviews since everything (literally
everything!) can be found on the Internet by doing a quick Google
5. Some Knowledge of the
Company they are Interviewing for – As an
HR executive, it may sound strange but you always want to know the person in
front of you is curious enough to learn (even a little) about the company they
are interviewing for. In the mind of an interviewer anyone who comes to a
company without knowing their basic business is not interested enough in order
to get the job at hand.
6. Truthfulness – This last one is maybe the most important one, an
HR executive needs to trust the person in front of him/her. If during the
interview he reaches a conclusion that you are making things up and lying just
to please him then he won’t be able to trust you in the future.
HR will always be willing to compromise on some of the other attributes as long as they feel the person in front of them will be able to fill the gaps by investing his time and efforts, but if someone is not truthful then they won’t be able to trust him or his work.
Lastly, and to make sure you have the whole picture, there are always extra-points for technical knowledge in the field in question, and this may even be a requisite if they are looking for an expert in a specific field but most of the times this is one of the attributes with less weight in any interviews.
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